MUMBAI - A fabulous Mahindra Timeless Rally was organized for the launch of Mahindra's The-All-New-Thar-2020. The rally connected 6 major Mumbai Landmarks
For the launch of Mahindra's The-All-New-Thar-2020, the Mahindra group organized a rally of all old models of Mahindra Jeeps.
Starting at Horniman Circle, Asiatic Library, Marine Drive, Worli Sea-Link, Girgaon Chowpatty, Bandra-Kurla Complex culminating in a grand event of the unveiling of Mahindra Thar 2020 at Sofitel Hotel.
For this Shoot: Research, Locations, Permissions, Ground Support
Filmapia organized the entire Locations and Permissions of 6 major Mumbai landmarks for the Mahindra Timeless Rally. This coordination comprised of the following elements